Written by: Adrianne J. Palmer.  Typically, a new year causes us to resolve to eat healthier and exercise, which is a great start, but holistic wellness is so much more.  We are most alive when involved in activities that are both engaging and challenging. The best gift we can give ourselves is a positive outlook, during each stage of life.  I’d like to share two stories of seniors who are defying their actual ages.

Ernestine Shepherd is an 81-year old body-builder.  At age 56, she and her sister Mildred went shopping for swimsuits and realized their bodies were out of shape.  They decided to do something about it by taking aerobic classes.  Ernestine really enjoyed her new hobby and began bodybuilding very slowly with a personal trainer.   Since age 56, she has won 2 bodybuilding titles and has run 9 marathons.  She spends her days running, lifting weights and teaching exercise classes for seniors, with the full support of her husband of more than 50 years. She believes sufficient rest and nutrition are important for her success.

Robert Marchand a Frenchman at 105 years of age, set a world record for one-hour cycling, within his age group.  Although only 4’11”, he has a very competitive spirit.  He enjoyed a life of variety while living in South America, Canada and France working as a firefighter, lumberjack, gardener and wine dealer.  He cycled competitively at age 35 and later returned to his favorite sport in his 70’s.  He then finished races where he even improved upon his record.  He credits his longevity and fitness to 1-hour daily cycling, lots of fruits and vegetables, and minimal meat, coffee and wine. Even as he surpassed 100, his body continually responded well to exercise.  He has since retired from cycling.

Regardless of your activities, good nutrition is the foundation for living well and aging well.  A nutrient rich diet will fuel the body for energy and performance. Juice Plus is a convenient way to bridge the gap between your current diet and where you should be for optimal health.  The product line includes:

30 different fruits and vegetables in a capsule, plant-based Omega capsules, and the protein and

plant-based Complete shake mix.  Be confident that you can embark on new adventures by embracing the aging process and taking one step at a time.  Hope you have the best year ever!


Adrianne J. Palmer

Health Coach

Juice Plus+

708-785-9111 mobile
